J54 Kiṁphala Jātaka

《不可吃的 “什么果”》


绘图/ 黄淑香
设计/ 王宗使
编译/ 自在居友
审稿/ 陈语

Whatnot Fruit

Jātaka 54: Kiṁphala Jātaka
Despite the warnings, a greedy fellow ate a poisonous fruit. How did their leader know it was poisonous, even though it looked exactly like a mango.

Readability level: Intermediate I
Illustrated by Wong Shook Heong
Retold by Zi Zai Ju
Proofread by Lee Ee Xuan

此树长不远…”—— 一时,导师佛陀住在祇陀林(Jetavana)时,开示有关精通水果的优婆塞[1]
The tree grows not far…” -- Once, when the Buddha was living at Jetavana, He gave a Dhamma talk about upāsaka[1] who was very knowledgeable about fruits.

At that time, a landlord from Sāvatthi had invited the Saṅgha who was headed by the Buddha to his garden. He offered rice-gruel and sweet cakes when all were seated.

Then, he ordered his gardener, “Walk around the garden with the bhikkhus and offer the venerables mangoes and other kinds of fruits.”

园丁回道:“萨度,太好了!” 便带领僧众往园中走去。
The gardener agreed, “Sadhu, very well.” And thus walked about the garden with the Saṅgha.

The gardener could distinguish the fruits by looking at each of the trees, “This fruit is still green, this is nearly ripe, and this has ripened.” And whatever he said was always found to be true.

So, the bhikkhus went to the Buddha and informed, “Bhante, the gardener is an expert in fruits. By looking upon any tree, he could immediately tell, ‘this fruit is still green, this is nearly ripe, and this fruit has ripened.’ And whatever he said was always found to be true.”

“Bhikkhus,” said the Teacher, “this gardener is not the only one who is knowledgeable about fruits. In the past, there was a wise man who was also an expert in fruits too.”

And, with that, He began the story.


In the past, when King Brahmadatta was ruling the city of Bārāṇasī, the Bodhisatta was born in the family of a caravan leader.

When he grew up, he went about with his caravan, trading with five hundred bullock carts.

One day, he arrived upon a path that led through a very thick forest. Before entering the forest, he gathered his men and addressed them, as such,

“In this forest, there are poisonous trees, poisonous leaves, poisonous flowers, poisonous fruits and poisonous honey. If you find any unfamiliar flowers, fruits, or leaves, do not eat without asking me.”

他们都应道:“是!” 他们便进入了森林。
They all promised, “Yes!” And they journeyed into the forest.

Near the border of the forest stands a village, and just right outside that village grows a Whatnot-fruit tree (kiṁphalarukkha).

Its trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruits, looked exactly like a mango tree. Even the colour, shape, smell, taste, and ripeness of the fruit are the same as that of a mango. But, unlike a mango fruit, if eaten, it will be as poisonous as the “halāhala” (the most vicious and venomous) poison, causing immediate death.

Among those who were ahead of the cavaran, there were a few greedy men, who thought, “This is a mango tree.” And, thus ate its fruit.

Others remembered the leader’s warning and thought, “Let’s ask our leader first before we eat.” And they stood there, with the fruit in hand.

When their leader showed up, they asked, “Sir, can we eat this mango fruit?”

Knowing that it was not a mango tree, the Bodhisatta said, “That is a Whatnot-fruit tree, not a mango tree, don't eat it.”

He immediately stopped those who were eating the Whatnot-fruit and made them vomit it out. He then gave them the catumadhura[2] to drink, and they managed to recover.

It turns out that in the past, when caravans rested under the Whatnot-fruit tree to organize their carts, they had thought, “These are mangoes,” and died from eating the poisonous fruit.

The next morning, the local villagers would arrive at the site to find dead bodies.

They would grab their heels, drag the bodies, and abandon them at a secret place. Then, the villagers would take for themselves the wagons and all the belongings of the caravans.

Similarly, on that day, at daybreak, the villagers claimed,

“The oxen must be mine.”

“I'll have the wagons.”

“货物是我的。” 急忙跑到树下。
“The wares are mine.” And they hurriedly ran towards the Whatnot-fruit tree.

Having seen the whole caravan alive and well, they asked, “How did you know this was not a mango tree?”

“We didn't know,” said the caravan members, “our leader knew.”

So, the villagers asked the Bodhisatta, “Wise man, how did you know this was not a mango tree?”



“I know it for two reasons,” replied the Bodhisatta, and he told this stanza: --

“The tree grows not far from the village, yet it is not hard to climb.
Pleasant and ripened fruits grow on the tree, yet it remains unpicked.
As such, I know, this is a poisonous fruit.”

He preached the Dhamma to the people, and then he continued with his journey safely.


“Thus, bhikkhus,” said the Teacher, “in the past, there was a wise man who was an expert in fruits.”

The Dhamma-teaching ended and the Teacher connected the previous birth with the present as follows, “At that time, the Buddha’s followers were the people of the caravan, and I myself was the caravan leader.”


1. 村民们知道“什么果”是有毒的树,但还是让经过的商队在不知情的情况下吃它而中毒身亡,然后拿取他们的货车和财物。
(a) 村民们这样做正确吗?是善的吗?为什么?
(b) 村民们犯了什么戒?

2. 如果你是村民,发现有棵树长毒果。
(a) 你会怎么做?(比如:放告示牌等)
(b) 为什么你会这么做?

3. 贪婪者吃了毒果而差点丧命。请列出贪婪还会造成什么危险?如何避免这些危险?

4. 世上有许多食物/物品看起来安全食用或可以使用,但其实它们是危险的。我们应如何有智慧地不受骗于其表?

5. 菩萨仅仅用常理就让跟随者们避开了生命危险。试讨论领袖的责任及素质。

Teacher’s Guide

1. The villagers knew the Whatnot-fruit tree is poisonous, but yet knowingly, they allowed caravans who were passing by to eat the poisonous fruit, leaving them to be poisoned to death, and subsequently taking their wagons and belongings.
(a) Were the villagers doing the right thing? Is it wholesome? Why?
(b) What precepts did the villagers break?

2. If you are the villagers who knew there was a poisonous tree,
(a) What will you do? (e.g., put a warning board, etc.)
(b) Why would you do so?

3. Those who were greedy ate the poisonous fruit and nearly lost their life. Please state what other dangers would be caused by greed? How to avoid these dangers?

4. Many things in this world look safe to eat or use, but in fact, they are dangerous. How can we have the wisdom and not be cheated by appearances?

5. Bodhisatta used common sense to save his followers from life-threatening danger. Please discuss the roles and qualities of a leader.


省思 Reflection


Wise men are skilled, knowledgeable and observant;
They are the true refuge and the benefactor of the followers.


[1] Upāsaka:优婆塞(古音译),为已皈依佛、法、僧三宝的在家男居士。巴利语的直译:近事男,即遵循和亲近侍奉三宝的男子。在家女众称为upāsikā,即优婆夷、近事女。
Upāsaka: A layman who has taken refuge with the Buddha, Dhamma and Saṅgha. A female devotee is called upāsikā.

[2] 四甜剂(catumadhura)是由四种材料,即酥油、蜜糖、蔗糖和油制成的药糊。
or called four-sweets medicine, as it is medicine paste that made from four ingredients, i.e., ghee, honey, molasse sugar and oil.
